Current Issue's

Contents Vol. 9, No. 2, December 2020
Mesocolic hernia: unusual cause of intestinal obstruction in children
Anaesthetic management for drainage of brain abscess in a patient of uncorrected Tetralogy of Fallot More

About the Journal

Journal of advances in medicine is a peer-reviewed, journal which focuses on all aspects of recent advances in medicine especially focusing on the use of new technologies in diagnosis and treatment. 
It publishes research papers, reviews, case reports, technical notes and short communication reporting significant results obtained using new techniques. Encouraged topic areas include laboratory medicine, endocrinology, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, genetics, reproductive cycles, functional morphology, phylogeny, behavioural and regulatory mechanisms, including genetic, endocrine and molecular studies.
Journal of Advances in Medicine is a Peer-Reviewed and As per MCI Guidelines Approved Journal.
Periodicity: Twice in a Year
All the authors are requested to check the originality of their articles before submitting it to JAM. In case, any article is found to be Duplicate submission, fabricated data, cut and paste (Plagiarized), at ANY STAGE of processing of your article, following actions will be taken:
Rejection of the article
If the conduct is found to be grossly unacceptable i.e. submission of duplicate articles, the author will be blacklisted in Journal of Advances in Medicine i.e. submission of duplicate articles, the author will be blacklisted in Journal of Advances in Medicine
Letter of conduct will be posted to the Head/Director of the department from where the study was conducted.
List of blacklisted authors will be shared amongst the Chief Editors of other Indian Journals


Aim and Scope

This journal will deliver original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory and clinical medicine to internists, pathologists and pediatricians in academic settings. Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary in scope, it keeps readers up-to-date on significant biomedical research from all subspecialties of internal medicine. Aiming to improve the exchange between basic and clinical science, it focuses on research in the area generally termed 'translational medicine.' It encourages submission of studies describing preclinical research with potential for application to human disease, and studies describing research obtained from preliminary human experimentation with potential to refine the understanding of biological principles underpinning human disease.

Subject Coverage

Anatomy, Anaesthesia, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Endocrinology, Forensic Medicine, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Internal Medicine, Surgery,  Laboratory medicine, Microbiology, Nephrology, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Physiology, Paediatrics and Neonatology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Plastic Surgery,, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, Toxicology, Dental sciences.

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@Journal of Advances in Medicine(JAM)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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